Wednesday, June 12, 2013
"Power is Ours"
'The power is ours'
In 1990, Nelson Mandela was released from prison in South Africa after spending 27 years behind bars. Correspondent Subry Govender remembers reporting from Cape Town.
As a correspondent for Deutsche Welle, I have filed literally thousands of reports from South Africa since the 1970s. But the most memorable coverage is - and always will be - the release of Nelson Mandela from prison on February 11, 1990.
From early morning, I was sitting in my small hotel room, monitoring local TV and radio stations to get the latest about Mandela's planned release. Then I got in touch with DW in Cologne.
"Get as much sound as you can from Mandela and the people," DW's English service head Dieter Brauer told me. Together with other journalists, I jumped into a car and drove to the prison, about 15 kilometers away.
Moral support from Deutsche Welle
I watched from a distance as Mandela walked through the prison gate, holding hands with his wife, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. He lifted his right hand into the air, giving the power salute. He was smiling and greeting people, while the crowd around me started shedding tears, while some started dancing and screaming for joy.
Seeing Mandela walking, I felt a lump in my throat. Mandela had been a source of inspiration for me. From 1980 to the end of 1983, the apartheid regime had banned me from working as a journalist. They had disliked my reports for Deutsche Welle and considered me to be a "threat to the security of the state." It was Dieter Brauer who visited me nine years earlier in my hometown of Durban and gave me the moral support I needed to carry on despite the ban.
Some prominent figures from the United Democratic Front (UDF), the internal wing of the ANC, had waited at the prison gate to receive Mandela. They told us that we should gather at the center of Cape Town - where he would address a rally.
When we arrived there, it was a scene I'll remember for the rest of my life: Tens of thousands of people, dressed in the colors the ANC's yellow, black and green. Freedom songs filled the air and the shouts from thousands: "Amandla Awethu" - "Power is ours."
Sending Mandela's words around the world
Pushing back my own emotions, I went around interviewing people and recording their jovial mood.
When Mandela arrived and took to the stage, there was a massive roar from the crowd. A smiling and jubilant Mandela punched his fist into the air and shouted: "Amandla, Amandla - Power, Power." The tens of thousands of people returned the chant with lively vigor.
I worked my way through the throngs of people to get to the stage and placed my recorder near a mike to capture Mandela's first words to the people of South Africa in more than 27 years. I recorded his entire speech and used sections for my report that evening for DW.
"I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of you, the people," he said. "Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today. I, therefore, place the remaining years of my life in your hands."
I witnessed the dawn of a new era with the release of Mandela - but my greatest joy and honor was that I had the chance to pass it on to the listeners of Deutsche Welle around the globe.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Southside FM Radio to be granted frequency soon
(NPO No: 089-426)
59 Musgrave Road, Durban
P.O. Box 486 Verulam 4340
Tel: 031 - 568 1309/082 376 9053
email: subrygovender@gmail.com
June 6 2013
It's with great relief and satisfaction that we wish to report that our long and arduous efforts over the past four years to launch a radio station to promote the cultures, traditions and languages of the descendants of indentured labourers whose mother tongues are Tamil and Telugu is on the verge of becoming a reality soon.
We wish to report to our sponsors, donors and supporters that ICASA has finally given a firm undertaking that our frequency in the Durban area would be finalised as soon as possible.
The following letter by ICASA's manager for technical services, Mr Monde Mbanga, outlines the latest situation:
"On 5/27/13, Monde Mbanga wrote:
Dear Subry,
As highlighted in my previous email, there is good progress on this matter.
The following has been achieved thus far:
1. Sentech has submitted a proposed solution
2. ICASA confirmed the solution's feasibility and viability
3. Now ,Sentech is engaging SABC on the Logistics of the testing and
implementation of the proposed solution
4. I'll advise you of the development after my second meeting with Sentech
where the implementation and the timelines of this solution for Southside FM
will be finalised.
5. Your patience will be highly appreciated
6. Please refrain from including chairperson's in our operational
discussions, there is enough progress and no constraints that require their
intervention at this stage.
Monde Mbanga"
Once the Durban area frequency is finalised, we will utilise the frequencies in the south coast and Pietermaritzburg regions that have already been offered to us.
While we await the finalisation of the frequency in the Durban, we are currently looking at premises that have been offered to us at the Mount Edgecombe Mariammen Cultural Centre and at a building (opposite the R K Khan Hospital) in Chatsworth that has been offered to us by a prominent business well-wisher. He is one of our sponsors but has requested anonymity.
A decision on the premises will be taken on this matter as soon as possible.
At the same time we are carrying out investigations to build our studio and office and to purchase the necessary equipment.
In this regard, we attach a document sent to us br Mr Dhunraj Ajodapersadh, General Manager of Facilities at the SABC in Durban, regarding the cost of building our live studio. We want to appeal to our major business personalities and others to sponsor the construction of this live studio. Whoever sponsors this live studio will have his or her name and company permanently recoginised in our live studio.
We also list below the following equipment that Mr Ajodapersadh has suggested that is vitally necessary for our live studio:
Radio Studio: preferred list
· Digital mixer – 6-8 channel
· 4 microphones
· 4 Headphones
· Headphone splitters
· 2 Studio monitors
· 4 Microphone booms
· 1 internet/email computer – social network sites etc
· ISDN unit
· 2 CD players – multi functional
· Flash disk recorder – possibly one portable unit
· Dual Telephone hybrid
· Radio receiver – for program check
· I Plasma Television – audio connected to channel input
· Furniture to house equipment
· 4 chairs
On air and production studios
Quantity Equipment Average Prices
2 Digital mixer (12 channels RM 100) R120 000
6/8 Microphone 16 000
6/8 Headphones 4 000
6/8 Microphone stands 8 000
4 Studio monitors 8 000
2 Computer for Digital recording/editing software 6 000
1 Radio receiver 2 000
2 Computer for email/internet 6 000
3 Cd player – multi functional 6 000
2 Dual telephone hybrid 2 000
2 Flashdisk recorders 3 000
2 Distribution amplifier 2 000
2 Headphone splitter 2 000
2 Mini UPS
2 Furniture for equipment 2 000
2 ISDN unit 80 000
1 Cables; connectors; installation
1 Electrical; doors; sound absorption cladding
1 Big hard drive
2 Office computers (R5 000 each) 10 000
Other office equipment 20 000
Total R293 000
Please note that Mr Ajodapersadh of the SABC has advised that these are all average prices. Once again we wish to appeal to our major business personalities and others to sponsor the acquisition of these studio and office equipment. Whoever comes forward to sponsor these will also have their names permanently recoginised in our office.
In anticipation of our frequency being finalised soon, we are preparing to hold a meeting with prospective presenters and other interested people, such as advertising representatives, to inform everyone of the progress and the road ahead. This will merely be an informative meeting and NOT a interview process.
We will inform all concerned as soon as possiblen of the meeting date, time and venue.
Once we have finalised all our plans, we will host an official dinner for the the launch of our much-needed radio station. All our supporters, donors and sponsors will be invited to the official dinner.
In addition we will also hold an official dinner in the Johannesburg area. Those living in the Johannesburg area who are keen on the radio station should contact our Board of Governors listed below.
All major business personalities and others who are prepared to sponsor the building of our studio, equipment and office should kindly get in touch with our officials: Mr Balan Gounder, chairperson, (balangounder2@gmail.com - 083 532 5126 or 031 - 30116291), Ms Sally Padaychie (sallymudly@icon.co.za - 031 706 3357), Mr Swaminathan Gounden (devtha@telkomsa.net - 031 - 208292), Mr Richard Naidoo (van@iafrica.com - 031 564 8679), Ms Keresha Govender, treasurer), (kereshag@yahoo.com - 079 493 0603), Mr Denis Naidoo (denisnaidoo@gmail.com - 076 833 0043), Ms Thiru Govender (tpsgovender@yahoo.com), Richard Govender (rpgovender@gmail.com), and Mr Subry Govender (subrygovender@gmail.com - 082 376 9053/031 - 568 1309).
We would be grateful to hear from our prospective sponsors at your earliest convenienves.
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