Friday, May 29, 2020
Researching through my files on articles that I had written while working for the Durban Daily News between early 1973 to late 1980, I came across a story that I wrote about the death of ANC member, M P Naicker, in East Berlin in late April 1977.
The article was published under the headline: “Indian member of ANC dies in East Berlin” on May 2 1977.
The article read: “A top-ranking Indian member of the banned African National Congress of South Africa, Mr M P Naicker, died in East Berlin last week while on his way to Bulgaria for medical treatment.
“Mr Naicker (56), who attended the Mozambique independence celebrations last year, was editor of the ANC publication, Sechaba.
“Mr Naicker, also organiser of the ANC at the time of his death, fled the country during the emergency in the 1960s with his brother, “Coetzee” Naicker. They went to London where their families later joined them.
“Born in 1920, Mr Naicker was secretary of the Agricultural Workers’ Federation, formed to organise sugar cane workers; secretary of the Passive Resistance Campaign of 1946; and also organising secretary of the Natal Indian Congress.
He was a treason trialist in 1956 and was also one of the many detainees during the 1960 emergency.
“He was branch manager of the banned publication, New Age, when he fled the country.
“Dr Monty Naicker, former president of the Natal Indian Congress who is related to Mr Naicker, said today that the ANC would be making arrangements for Mr Naicker’s funeral in London. He said a memorial service would be held in Durban.
“Mr Naicker is survived by his wife and two teenage children, who are resident in London.” Ends – first published May 2 1977. (republished May 29 2020).
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