Friday, July 24, 2020
The residents of the village of Ottawa, between Verulam and Mount Edgecombe on the North Coast, are fed up and disgusted with the litter, filth and rubbish that engulfs the main road and the side roads leading to the residential areas.
They are especially concerned with the rot that has set in at a retail business property at the corner of the Main Road and School Road.
The retail businesses here sell the every-day needs and other requirements of people. There is also a liquor store at one end and a doctor’s surgery in the complex.
What is reprehensible is the litter and rubbish that are found everywhere in the parking lot and also on the margins of the property at all corners.
Very little action is being taken to ensure that the area is clean and tidy and no one appear to be worried about the protection of the environment. They don’t even have the foresight to employ someone to clean up the litter and rubbish and to ensure that the trading area is free of the deteriorating sight. They don’t realise that with a clean environment the profits would definitely be higher.
To make matters worse the Ethekwini Municipality, which is supposed to be the new democratic and non-racial council, does very little to clean up the main road from the bottom end right from the river to the top end, leading out into Verulam. They are only concerned about milking property owners of escalating rates, water and refuse removal fees.
In addition to the litter and rubbish at the property at the bottom end and all along the main road, there are numerous motor scrap yards that contribute to the further destruction of the environment.
Litter and rubbish are also an unwelcome sight in the roads that lead to the residential areas.
The residents, for their part, should wake up from their slumber and speak out against the continued destruction of the environment. They should also take steps to ensure that litter and filth on the roads outside their properties are cleaned up and they are an example to their neighbours.
Failing to take action will only lead to the destruction of their residential areas just like the destruction of the main road and the once beautiful Ottawa River.
A local activist organisation, the Ottawa Environment Forum, has for many years highlighted the ugly sight of litter, rubbish and filth in many parts of the village. But it seems the people concerned – the municipality on one side and the business people on the other – just don’t bother about the environment.
The retail business trading centre is situated in a site where once the old Ottawa primary school and sports ground were the community’s pride of place. It is also situated near where the Flash Clothing factory provided employment for the local residents and people from surrounding towns such as Mount Edgecombe and Verulam.
The Flash Clothing factory was owned by Mr S S Maharaj, who at one time was the Non-European tennis champion of South Africa.
He was a great benefactor and was also one of scores of local pioneer residents who contributed enormously to the construction of the new Ottawa Primary School.
The history and heritage of the area should not be allowed to be destroyed by the lack of concern for the environment by the municipality and some irresponsible business people. ends -